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SBCA Hike at Violet Crown Trail 290 Entrance

Violet Crown Trail, 290 Trailhead Frontage road of 290 near Brodie Lane , Sunset Valley

Join SBCA for our weekly hike! Naturalist Sarah Larocca will lead us along the Violet Crown trail and introduce us to common plants.

UWSA March 2022 Unlearning Circle


Shifting the systems that address harm requires us to understand that our current legal system is rooted in the multi-generational and ancestral socialization of racism. As white people, we have been socialized to believe that violent legal, criminal, and carceral systems–systems rooted in punishment and...

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Monthly Meeting


CCL Austin has our monthly meeting this Saturday, March 12. This month's get together will feature a segment on upcoming lobbying opportunities in this redistricting "between-times." We'll also learn how CCL has contributed significantly to some big-impact, bipartisan climate legislation. Come say hello virtually and...