As we move forward into the new year, President-elect Biden will take office and we look forward to the marked differences in the new administration. However, Biden has demonstrated characteristics of white supremacy, such as paternalism. In an interview before the election, he said that “you ain’t black” if you vote for President Trump. Biden apologized for the statement, but it will be important to continue to hold him accountable as he begins his presidency. Like Biden, white liberals often assume that they know what is best for BIPOC people and make decisions based on their assumptions. By doing so, white people maintain their power, instead of building power, and miss the solutions from those closest to the problems.
Thus, we will be considering how paternalism appears in various contexts- including our President-elect, nonprofits and their funding sources, and our own giving during this time of year (is it charity or solidarity?). We will discuss these personal ways we define for others what they need and move into fixing instead of inquiring.
Join us for an unlearning circle where we will delve into our paternalism in our lives and ask: how can we recognize and interrupt our paternalism in order to dismantle white supremacy culture and create lasting solutions?
UWSA’s first Unlearning Circle in the winter of 2017 was created as a place for white people to do the work of reflection and community self-education. As we continue to gather to critically examine our own participation in cultures of dominance, we build our capacity to show up as individuals and as a city-wide community network for Black, Indigenous and people of color-led anti-racist efforts in a positive and accountable way. The Unlearning Circles are an opportunity for white identifying people to explore white supremacy culture and our role and responsibilities in undoing racism. We welcome and recognize the gift of the presence of any People of Color who choose to join us.
Additional resources will be added shortly!
White Supremacy Culture
People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond – Antiracist Principles