We invite you to meet Ron Chisom, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, as we honor him for his 40 years of community organizing across the United States to undo Institutionalized Racism, and all of its manifestations. Ron served as the main plaintiff of Ronald Chisom v. Charles E. Roemer, Governor of Louisiana et. al.. The "Chisom Case" challenged the Louisiana State Supreme Court to achieve equal representation for the predominately Black city of New Orleans.
This is also an opportunity to hear Ron present on undoing racism principles and community organizing and to learn about local efforts to eliminate institutionalized racism. Representatives from local groups, such as Undoing Racism Austin, Peace Through Pie Foundation, St. James Episcopal Church, and the Building Bridges Program of the Travis County Sheriff’s Department, will describe ongoing activities that you can get involved in to create a future without racial disparities for the Austin community.
For more information, contact:
Doug Bell, 512-922-5524
Joyce James, 512-244-1913 or 409-553-0314