Join us for a farm tour at Coyote Creek Farm/Texas Best Organic Feed Mill in Elgin. This tour is a fundraiser for the Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (TOFGA) and you’ll take home a wealth of information about the hardworking people who provide the infrastructure for our vibrant local agriculture system. Your $10 ticket goes to support TOFGA programming.
Organic pastured eggs – all you need is a chicken, right? Nope. You need an organic-certified distributor, organic-certified pasture, and organic feed. You also need organic grain growers, a transport network to get the grain to the mill, big purchasing power and storage capacity to acquire the volume of grain that will make the whole process economically feasible – you get the idea.
While this topic sounds dry, you won’t find it so when you’re walking the green pastures and standing under the humming metal shutes and tubes that make up Coyote Creek Feed Mill and Farm, the catalyst for central Texas’ burgeoning organic egg industry. Enrich your understanding of the living web that makes our local ag possible! Tickets are $10 and proceeds go to TOFGA. Email to RSVP; spaces are limited.
Green Gate Family