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TNR-TXI (Gravel/Sand Mine on Alluvial Aquifer) Groundwater Monitoring Test Results Meeting

December 28 @ 12:30 pm

Basic Info

December 28, 2024
12:30 pm

Public Meeting

Thursday, November 21, 2013     6:30 – 8:00 pm

Community Center at the Travis County Eastside Service Center

6011 Blue Bluff Road, Austin, Texas  78724


Travis County’s Transportation & Natural Resources Department (TNR) is hosting a meeting open to all members of the public. The meeting’s purpose is to provide interested citizens with the results of groundwater monitoring conducted over the past year in the area of a future sand and gravel mining operation.


In 2010, Texas Industries, Inc. (TXI) received clearance from the Travis County Commissioners Court and the City of Austin authorizing the development of a sand and gravel mining operation west of Webberville near the intersection of Milo Road and Dunlap Road. Significant public concerns over the impact of this operation on adjacent neighborhoods and agricultural producers resulted in TNR being directed by the Travis County Commissioners Court to conduct monitoring of groundwater quality, groundwater levels, air quality, and noise to determine if adverse environmental impacts are resulting from the mining operations. The meeting on November 21st will include a presentation on the results of the second year of the monitoring which establishes the pre-mining baseline environmental conditions.


Texas-licensed hydrogeologists and other environmental experts from URS Corporation and the University of Texas at Austin (UT) were commissioned by Travis County to design and conduct the environmental monitoring and will present the results of the study to the public. Time will be allotted after the presentation to allow the public to ask questions and receive answers regarding the monitoring. Please join us at this meeting to learn more about the groundwater conditions that exist in your community.


The environmental monitoring is a key implementation component of the overall Colorado River Corridor Plan completed and approved on May 15, 2012 by the Travis County Commissioners Court. URS and UT will continue for up to an additional three years, during which mining operations are expect to occur. TNR, URS, and UT expect to host annual meetings to update the public on this important initiative as this study continues.


For more information on the Colorado River Corridor Plan, please visit our website at: 

http://www.co.travis.tx.us/tnr/crcp/default.asp or contact Randy Nicholson at randy.nicholson@co.travis.tx.us or by calling (512) 854-4603.


For more information on the environmental monitoring initiative, you may contact Thomas Weber, TNR Environmental Quality Program Manager at thomas.weber@co.travis.tx.us or by calling (512) 854-4629.


Directions to the Travis County Eastside Service Center are available at the following weblink:  https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=6011+blue+bluff+road+austin+texas&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x8644b78a002a07c5:0xce8013b4c29115df,6011+Blue+Bluff+Rd,+Austin,+TX+78724&gl=us&ei=AGwQUJT7PKPv0gHN1YC4BA&ved=0CAcQ8gEwAA


Please share this information with your neighbors or anyone who may be interested who may not have received this e-mail or who do not have access to e-mail. We look forward to your participation at the meeting.