If you’ve ever wondered, “what’s happening to the bees?”, we invite you to join us for an evening at Gateway Theater for a screening of “The Pollinators” to learn about how large scale agriculture is affecting the tiniest pollinators. The movie follows migratory beekeepers and their truckloads of honey bees as they drive across the country to pollinate the food we eat.
After the movie, Two Hives will host a Q&A with a panel consisting of Tara Chapman from Two Hives Honey, Michelle Akindiya from Farmshare Austin, Mary Reed from the Texas Apiary Inspection Services, and Justin Ralph from Prime Bees to discuss their perspectives on the threats to honey bees, the role monoculture plays in modern day farming practices and our food security, and ways we can improve the situation.
Please head over to the Regal Gateway website and purchase your tickets! ****We have a minimum tix deadline coming up, so dont delay if you want to see this on the big screen!****
Don’t forget to add a donation to Farmshare Austin, to support organic farming, expanded food access, and the next generation of farmers. Even if you can’t attend the movie, please visit https://www.farmshareaustin.org/support to make a donation.
Introduction will begin shortly after 6 pm, followed by the movie, and then a Q&A with local farmers and beekeepers!