SXSW Eco conference attendees are invited to network and make a difference at this unique “Green Army” volunteer event hosted by the University of Texas, and supported by AMD’s “Taking Action” sponsorship at SXSW Eco.
Volunteers will clean and restore Austin’s historic Waller Creek. Options include picking-up trash, identifying invasive species for removal, and planting trees. Plus, volunteers can make “seed balls” to help with the Bastrop Lost Pines Project.
WHAT TO BRING: Appropriate attire if you plan to get into the creek, like closed-toed shoes and possibly pants. Bring a reusable cup and we’ll bring water jugs, plus some bottled water for those who forget cups.
WHAT IS PROVIDED: Gloves, bags, poison ivy block / lotion, water, and transportation from the hotel.
TRANSPORTATION: The meeting location is about 7 blocks from the AT&T Conference Center hotel. Two vans will alternate trips from outside the lobby starting at 7:40am. SXSW Eco sessions start at 10am, so return trips will be offered beginnig at 9am and run ~ every 10 minutes through the event conclusion at 10am. If you prefer to drive, paid parking is available at the San Jacinto garage adjacent to the meeting location (next to statue of running mustangs at corner of 24th and San Jacinto).
JOIN US FOR A PARTY! All volunteers and conference attendees are invited to attend the “Green Army Party” at Austin’s unique “Easy Tiger” bar and bakery overlooking Waller Creek at 6th street. Please note your planned attendance in your RSVP.
If you are not a morning person, no fear… you can volunteer during the mid-day event from 11am-2pm, or the afternoon event from 4-6pm.