We’re doing something a bit different this month. Instead of our regular happy hour, Solar Austin is hosting a community workshop to gather input on the topic of expanding access to solar.
In September, a team that will include Austin Energy staff, a couple members of the Solar Austin board and other solar policy experts will participate in a workshop hosted by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). This team of seven will focus on identifying ways to expand access to solar in Austin. We know that many of the people of color, as well as renters and lower-income residents haven’t been able to.
The goal of the Solar Austin workshop will be to gather community input to help guide the team at the RMI workshop in September. We want to help develop solutions that address the needs, concerns and aspirations of the community.
Huston–Tillotson University has graciously offered to host this event and Solar Austin will provide food and drink.
WHAT: Solar Austin Community Workshop on Expanding Access to Solar
WHEN: Tues., Aug. 27, 5:30 dinner and networking, 6:00 presentation and discussion groups
WHERE: Dickey-Lawless Science Building at Huston–Tillotson University (#1 on the map)
RSPV is appreciated, so we know how much food to buy.
In addition to a short presentation to share the basics about solar and some sample programs, we’ll have facilitated group discussions to try to determine:
level of awareness about solar among lower-income residents
the main barriers that keep lower-income residents from accessing solar
any barriers specific to people of color
aspects of solar energy that excite people most
the most important features of a new solar program
Anyone who wants to contribute to this work is welcome, but we especially hope to get people of color, renters and lower-income residents involved in this conversation because those are the groups that have been underserved by the current solar programs.
Ensuring equity in access to solar energy and other climate solutions is an important aspect of climate justice. Solar Austin is committed to making the benefits of solar energy accessible to everyone in the Austin community.
We hope you’ll join us and bring a friend, family member or neighbor who falls into one of the underserved customer groups.
Solar Austin Board of Directors
Getting there: Huston–Tillotson University can be accessed by several bus lines. If you drive, there is free street parking on Chalmers Ave and Chicon St, and in the Huston-Tillotson parking lot off Chalmers St between 8th St and 9½ St.
For regular updates on our Happy Hours and other work and more information about Solar Austin, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook, and sign up for our email list via solaraustin.org.