Happy Hour /food and beverages: 6-7 pm
Socializing and informal discussions on current events: 6-7 pm
Announcements and program begin at 7 pm
Program: Liveable City with Michael Oden
Liveable City, created in 2002, is a group of civic activists working to promote and protect the long-term social, environmental, and economic well-being of all Austin residents by addressing quality-of-life issues, including the environment, the economy, equity, healthcare, education, housing, transportation, neighborhoods and culture.
Dr. Michael Oden is Associate Dean for Operations and Research for the School of Architecture and Director of the Community and Regional Planning program, University of Texas at Austin. His teaching and research areas include local and regional economic development, regional growth dynamics, program evaluation methodologies, and affordable housing policy. Oden was recognized with the Outstanding Teacher Award for the School of Architecture in 2015. His current research interests include urban economic development dynamics and policies, evaluation methods for economic development and environmental projects, and urban planning interventions to address climate change.
Consider biking, carpooling, or taking Cap Metro to the meeting. Free parking is available after 6pm on San Jacinto and nearby streets.