Happy Hour /food and beverages: 6pm-7 pm
Socializing and informal discussions on current events: 6pm-7 pm
Announcements and program begin at 7 pm
Program: Austin Wildland Conservation, with Cait McCann, Environmental Program Coordinator for Wildland Conservation Division, Austin Water.
Cait will talk about Austin’s Wildlands – how the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve provides a community-based solution that allows Austin to grow and develop while also protecting habitat; how our Water Quality Protection Lands protect the source water for Barton Springs and groundwater that our neighbors in the Hill Country rely on; ways to get out on the Wildlands – guided hikes and volunteer opportunities; and challenges and opportunities for Wildland Conservation in Austin.
Cait works to connect the public to the many corners of Austin’s Wildland Conservation Division, alongside dedicated volunteers, biologists, and land managers. Previously, she designed outdoor and environmental programs for children and families at the Austin Nature & Science Center. She grew up in Austin and has great memories of hiking the greenbelt, Bull Creek, and Emma Long Park as a kid. After graduating from The University of Texas she worked at Clark University in Massachusetts on a landcover mapping project, and at the Smithsonian’s Center for Conservation and Sustainability in Washington, DC. These days her travels usually lead to a cave – anywhere between Kentucky and Coahuila – but Austin is home.
Pre-Meeting Postcard Writing Session: Donna and Mary Beth often have a table for distributing info, signing petitions, and writing postcards to our government leaders between 6:30 and 7:00pm. Please come early to take action!
Consider biking, carpooling, or taking Cap Metro to the meeting. Free parking is available after 6pm on San Jacinto and nearby streets.