Climate Change Committee Meeting
First Monday of each month, 6:30-8:00pm, Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter Office, 6406 N I-35, Ste. 1805 (entrance on Middle Fiskville NW edge of LINC shopping center, near Easy Tiger) Google Map Link –
You can also join our Zoom video conference here: .
6:30-7:15 David Trossman (UT) — Environmentally-induced migration: torrents of people, if not water
The UN puts it this way: for every four people that become refugees, one is nudged to do so by environmental (including climate) change, and the rest are forced to flee from violence (which is not independent of environmental changes). This talk may reference some archaeology, but will mostly focus on not-so-time-distant issues and what can be done about the changes to come that will displace people. Wildfires, hurricanes/tornadoes, droughts, sea level rise, and other more subtle environmental events/changes will temporarily displace some people and permanently displace others in the coming years. Sea level changes alone will likely displace over 200 million people by the end of the century. These environmental changes have already exacerbated economic disparities around the world and inequities are expected to get worse. It will be a rude-awakening for anyone in climate denial and in support of anti-immigration policies to see just how counter-productive the combination of those two stances is.
7:15-8:00 Climate Change Committee Meeting – Discuss Action Teams and allow people to sign up to continue the work to stop climate change, an imperative if we want our current civilization to survive. We’ve formed Action Teams on Austin Energy, the Permian Pipeline, Rio Grande Valley Support, Carbon Fee & Dividend, People Power, Data Entry, and Presentations. We have identified additional action teams we’d like to form, including Transportation, Climate Justice, Partner Organizations, School Education, and Social Media. Whether you have only minutes a month or hours a day, join us to build a mass movement to stop climate change. Or join another group fighting this vital cause.
You can RSVP here.