First Monday of each month, 6:30-8:00pm, Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter Office, 6406 N I-35, Ste. 1805 (entrance on Middle Fiskville NW edge of LINC shopping center, near Easy Tiger) Google Map Link –
You can also join our Zoom video conference here: .
6:30-7:15 Climate change; is it too late? Twelve years to certain doom, or climate restoration scenarios to save us?
Bruce Melton, Director of the Climate Change Now Initiative, ( presents: Are we already doomed? Why 12 years to act and what does that mean? How and when might we be doomed? What is climate restoration, how do we get there, and why aren’t we doing this already? The presentation includes the 1.5 C carbon budget remaining with associated emissions reductions that allow increases (not decreases) in extreme weather beyond today; and that plausibly allow abrupt change initiations completion like collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet; and the mandatory natural and or chemical carbon dioxide removal required in addition to emissions reductions to meet 1.5 C; plus the climate restoration scenarios to undoom us, and the strategies, technologies and costs to get where ever it is we decide we need to go.
7:15-8:00 Climate Change Committee Meeting – Discuss Action Teams and allow people to sign up to continue the work to stop climate change, an imperative if we want our current civilization to survive. We’ve formed Action Teams on Austin Energy, the Permian Pipeline, Rio Grande Valley Support, Carbon Fee & Dividend, People Power, Data Entry, and Presentations. We have identified additional action teams we’d like to form, including Transportation, Climate Justice, Partner Organizations, School Education, and Social Media. Whether you have only minutes a month or hours a day, join us to build a mass movement to stop climate change. Or join another group fighting this vital cause.