We’ll be discussing the book “Second Nature: A Gardener’s Education” by Michael Pollan. I’m 60 pages in and am impressed by his observations and his abilities as an essayist. This is Michael Pollan’s first book and he has written many others on society’s relationship with food.
We’ll be meeting at Zilker Park at the Rock Garden Picnic Tables, located uphill from the Zilker Hillside Theater.
Amazon.com describes it as…
” A new literary classic, Second Nature has become a manifesto not just for gardeners but for environmentalists everywhere. “As delicious a meditation on one man’s relationships with the Earth as any you are likely to come upon” (The New York Times Book Review), Second Nature captures the rhythms of our everyday engagement with the outdoors in all its glory and exasperation. ”
May’s book will be “Wild Ones” by Jon Mooallem. This book dives into people’s relationship with wild animals. The NY Times described it as a book that presents information from the front lines of wildlife conservation and blends it with a lively cultural history of animals in America….”This is not a book about wilderness; it’s a book about us.”
If you have a book suggestion for the book club, mention it in the comments below and we’ll discuss them at the end of every book club meeting.