Community gardens are vibrant shared spaces for growing fresh food, learning, and building friendships. This 2-night Sustainable Food Center training is relevant for anyone wanting to start or strengthen a community garden. Each night will cover different topics, so please plan to attend both nights. We will cover leadership skills for: organizing a strong garden team, planning the garden, accessing land and water, garden management, finding resources, school-specific strategies and guidelines, and more. You’ll hear from a community garden leader about his/her experiences, and you’ll have a chance to meet Meredith Gauthier, Coordinator of the City of Austin’s Community Garden Program.
If you are interested in creating a school garden, this training is also for you. The content of this training is similar to that of the School Garden Leadership Training.
*Trainings are for adults. Youth ages 12 and up may attend with close parent/guardian supervision during class.
Please register only for yourself; additional participants should register separately for themselves.
*CE credit hours provided through AISD
*Childcare and English-Spanish interpretation available.
*Registration closes one business day before class. All attendees must register to attend.
*Snacks will be provided