Slow Food Austin and PEAS – Partners for Education, Agriculture, and Sustainability are planning a fun Seedling Social garden party for adults and kids alike. Come out for food, fun, music, kids’ activities, gardening information, and learn all about Ark of Taste plants. We’ll have seedlings for you to take home and grow in your own garden, raffle prizes, a bar for grown-ups, and juices for kids.
Funds raised at this event will benefit both Slow Food Austin and PEAS. Ark of Taste seedlings are also being grown for use in school garden programs operated by PEAS. The Slow Food Ark of Taste is a living catalog of culturally significant foods in danger of extinction. By promoting growing and eating these foods, we keep them in production and on our plates.
Special thanks to Tito’s Handmade Vodka for operating the bar at our Seedling Social.
Thank you to jugo austin for juices, High Dive for sparkling water, and The Infinite Monkey Theorem for wines.
$5 admission for adults, kids’ admission is FREE (Each advance-purchase ticket includes 5 raffle tickets for gift baskets. Additional raffle tickets will be available at the event for $1 each or 12 tickets for $10.)