If you’ve had any thoughts about the new electric scooters on Austin’s streets, you’ll want to attend our next meeting on Saturday, March 2!
Should an e-scooter company be able to start operating in a city without the cooperation of local government? When should local regulators step in, and how much regulation is the right amount? A broad question that applies to more than just scooters: Think of the ban on plastic bags at grocery stores, or (even bigger) the land development code.
Join us Saturday, March 2, from 2:00 to 4:00, for a panel discussion, moderated by Mike Ignatowski, with two city council members on opposite sides of the scooter question:
* Allison Alter (district 10)
* Jimmy Flannigan (district 6)
When: Saturday, March 2, 2019, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Where: Old Quarry Branch Library, 7051 Village Center Dr., Austin, TX 78731