#FridaysForFuture starts with Friday March 15. Be a part of the worldwide walkout for climate protection action and demand change in your community.
Seeking: representative and civilian speakers, student musicians
SIGN UP to speak here: https://goo.gl/forms/Zh4Ai1rOlwvg7qvy1
Find us on instagram @climatestriketx
Email us at climatestriketx@gmail.com
About the Youth Climate Strike:
Youth across the US will be striking on March 15 to fight for our futures and demand that our lawmakers put an end to climate change.
Who we are: Student activists taking a stand to demand action from our state representatives for climate and environmental protection legislation
What we are doing: Walking out of school, or striking completely, to rally mainly in Austin and Houston.The strike will take place on March 15 around the world, at the US Capitol, and in Texas at the state capitol building and Houston city hall. We are on a #SchoolStrike4Climate with Fridaysforfuture
Our demands:
1. We demand a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in line with the October 2018 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius.
2. We demand our world leaders take action that ensures global warming remains under 1.5 degrees Celsius.
3. We demand that our US legislators implement the Green New Deal and other legislative actions that decrease the climate crisis.
We will not stop working and advocating and using our voices. It’s better to listen sooner, rather than assume the noise will stop.