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Potential Transit Projects for the Central Corridor: Have Your Say

January 23 @ 5:12 pm

Are you interested in future public transportation options in Austin's Central Corridor?  Do you have ideas about how it should look and function?  Join your neighbors and the Project Connect team for a fun, interactive public workshop on potential transit projects in the Central Corridor – an area that includes downtown Austin, UT Campus, Highland Mall/ACC, and East Riverside. 

Participants will have a chance to review information and offer input on potential transit service, transit types and routes within our study area.  This event will allow you to come and go throughout the morning and participate when it is most convenient.  The Project Connect team will be on hand to provide an overview of the issues under study, get your input on maps and preliminary alternatives, and answer your questions. We will have light refreshments, music and activities for kids.

The Project Connect team will use the input gathered from this event to help develop potential transit projects for further study.   Help us take the next steps in turning the Project Connect regional transit vision into a reality!

Project Connect: Central Corridor Public Workshop

Saturday, February 8

930 AM – 1200 PM (Participants may join us at any time during the event)

ACC Highland (Highland Mall)

6001 Airport Boulevard

Austin, TX 78752

Accessible by MetroBus Routes 7, 10, 300, 320 and 350 (Plan your trip)

Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request. Please provide notice at least two days in advance. Contact (512) 369-6201 or by email at  info@projectconnect.com for more information or to request informational materials in another format.

To learn more about the work done to date on the Central Corridor study, visit our blog at http://www.projectconnect.com/connect/project-connect-blog  

If you cannot make it to this workshop, there will be several other opportunities for you to provide input, including online.  Want Project Connect to visit your community group to provide information? Request a meeting here: http://www.projectconnect.com/connect/get-connected-email-updates

About Project Connect: Project Connect is the vision for Central Texas’ high-capacity transit system, endorsed by the Transit Working Group, as a subcommittee of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). It is a partnership between Capital Metro, the City of Austin, Lone Star Rail District and CAMPO. Linking activity centers within the fastest growing region in the country, Project Connect aims to connect people, places and opportunities in an easy and efficient way. Learn more at www.ProjectConnect.com.