Join us for our HABLA Plática: “The Latino Lens & Experience of Racism” on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 1pm LIVE on our HABLA Facebook Page.
Overall, four-in-ten Latinos say they have experienced racism and discrimination in the past year. Such experiences include: being called offensive names, being told to go back to their home country, being criticized for speaking Spanish in public, or simply experiencing racism, discrimination and or unfair treatment because they are Latino. (Source: The PEW Research Center, 2019).
Such racism has also been amplified during the current COVID-19 pandemic as Latinos in Austin continue to be disproportionately impacted and overrepresented in the number of COVID cases, higher positivity rates, hospitalizations and deaths.
This week we will take on an ambitious conversation with Latino Austinites as we share personal views and experiences on:
-Racism, both externally and internally, acknowledging there is racism in the project of Latindad
-Perceived Latino privileges within our community related to colorism/shadeism
-Our responses and actions to combat racism through a multi-generational Latino lens
-How Brown and Black experiences are intertwined and must be confronted together
-What’s our call to action?
Our Panelists will include:
-Idalis Maldonado, College Student & Community Advocate
-Michael Ramos-Lynch, Attorney & Community Advocate
-Diana Gomez, Community Advocate, Progress Texas
-Saul Gonzalez, Community Advocate
-Dr. Angela Valenzuela, Professor, University of Texas & Director, The Texas Center for Education
Moderated by Paul M. Saldaña, Co-Founder/Facilitator HABLA
Join for this important Plática LIVE on our Facebook Page: