One of our Cobra Alums & Eagle Scout, Erich Manzke, will be extending our shade structure as his eagle project. Come out and lend a hand! We are extending our hours for this day.
We will also likely be getting some spring transplants in the if it looks like the weather is going to stay warm in the coming weeks.
9am- 12pm
PEAS Community Farm @ Cunningham Elementary 2200 Berkeley Ave, 78745
You may still harvest some kale, dandelion greens, chard and herbs!
Please wear closed-toed shoes (in case of ants), sunscreen, and bring a water bottle and snack (if needed)!
PEAS = Partners for Education Agriculture and Sustainability
Come join us…FOR YOUR HEALTH!
Gardening as a community provides many health benefits!
– Great exercise
– Access to healthy/organic produce
– Real-time social networking (get to know your neighbors!)
– Vitamin N (that’s N for Nature….come and get it!)
Bring your friends!!! The more they merrier!
PEAS Community Farm is on the campus at Cunningham Elementary but is open to the whole community outside of school hours. 2200 Berkeley Ave, Austin, TX 78745-4334, To become a member visit and click on the ‘registration’ tab.