Our monthly Austin Sierra Club meeting will be online via Zoom.
We’ll start off with Announcements on current events… Tonite’s main program is Tiny Transit: You Shouldn’t Have to Own a Car, with Susan Engelking, Executive Director, Institute for Community MicroMobility.
Cars are expensive, dangerous, and they’re killing our planet. There is an alternative: Tiny Transit. A few cities are proving that people will use small electric vehicles in droves if they can be made safe. The key is a protected network for low cost, low speed modes like little electric cars, scooters, pedicabs, along with improving safety for active modes. Learn how Austin can develop an infrastructure valued at >$1 Billion, cut >500,000 metric tons of CO2 by 2027, and improve health and equity — for a fraction of the cost of major transportation projects. Let’s really “build back better.”
Susan Engelking is the founder and executive director of the Institute for Community MicroMobility, a nonprofit promoting low speed, low cost, low emission mobility alternatives to conventional-size vehicles. She is the author of Tiny Transit: Cut Carbon Emissions In Your City and the forthcoming Resilience: The New Livability Playbook for Mayors. She organized a panel selected for SXSW 2020: Six Ways Micromobility Revolutionizes Design. Susan served as president of the Austin Children’s Museum and was instrumental in its evolution to become The Thinkery. Susan holds an MPA from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT Austin.
The URL to click on and join the meeting will be displayed after you RSVP. If you are new to Zoom, tutorials are available online – example https://www.youtube.com/embed/hIkCmbvAHQQ . Using your camera and microphone is optional for the meeting.