Join us in welcoming the Lummi Nation on their totem pole journey, known as “Qwel Lhol Mech Ten”, (Our Shared Responsibility). This 9,000 mile, 23 day journey is designed with the goal of returning “Tokitae”, aka Lolita, a captive southern resident killer whale, from a Miami aquarium to her pod in the Salish Sea. While sharing the story of Tokitae and her importance, the Lummi will also join local indigenous leaders working to protect the land, water and culture.
For countless generations, the Lummi nation and their allies have been working to protect the Salish Sea from oil and gas drilling and industrial export facilities. For the past five years, they have traveled thousands of miles with massive custom-carved totem poles from the Nation’s world-famous House of Tears Carvers.
The Lummi will join with Native Texas activists for a panel on Indigenous Resistance.
Texas and the Northwest have been culturally connected for thousands of years. Our relatives stretch across these lands. Our relatives also stretch beyond nationality, culture, race or religion. Our relatives stretch beyond human, animal, plant, desert, mountain or ocean. The way we understand the order of our world has profound implications for our actions.
This important event ties together Environmentalism, Animal rights, Tribal Sovereignty and begs us to reconsider the essence of our society.
The event will take place at Huston-Tillotson University inside the Dickey-Lawless Auditorium.
Run of Show
4PM – Blessing of the Totem Pole
Prayer Emerson Nez, Dine´
4:30 – Welcome: Gilbert Rivera, Raza Roundtable
4:35 – Song: Connie Jo Kirk, Local Jazz Singer/Activist
4:40 – Tokitae and Our Sacred Obligations , Doug James – Lummi Nation
5:00 – Musical Performance: Dr. Tekina-eiru Maynard, Taino blood descendant from Borikén (Puerto Rico) and Founding Executive & Artistic Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center
5:10 – Presentation by Jewell James, Lummi Nation, on the purpose of trip and meaning of the totem pole
5:25 – “Children of the Water”: Panel on Indigenous Resistance – featuring Tane Ward, Equilibrio (moderator), Kurt Russo, Lummi Nation, Juan Mancias, Estok Na Tribe of Texas, Frank Lane, Lummi Nation, Susana Almanza, PODER
45 mins
6:30 – Danza Azteca Anahuaca – Kalpulli Ameyaltonal