Event is full. Join the waitlist! Already registered? Arrive early to discover Texas’ coral reefs, learn about scuba diving, touch live marine animals, design glow-in-the-dark creatures and more!
Hurricane Harvey dumped thirteen trillion gallons of rain on southeast Texas in August of 2017. Do extreme storm events like Harvey impact the coral reefs off Texas’ coast, in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary? Dr. Correa shares ongoing research connecting the Gulf Coast, extreme weather, and reef ecosystems.
Supported by the Leon Jones Hot Science – Cool Talks Endowment
Adrienne Correa is on the faculty in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Rice University. She first learned to scuba dive in graduate school, while collecting invasive ants in the Hawaiian Islands. Adrienne’s research turned to the ocean shortly thereafter, and today she explores the role of microbes in the health of coral reefs that are experiencing rapid environmental change. She serves on the Advisory Council for the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, home to Texas’s own coral reefs. Her research and teaching take her to coral reefs around the world, including the Gulf of Mexico, Australia, Belize, Panama, and the South Pacific.
Directions and Parking
The talk takes place in the San Jacinto Hall Multipurpose Room 207 located at 309 E. 21st St. Hot Science – Cool Talksattendees may park at the Brazos Garage located at 210 MLK Blvd at the discounted rate of $4. Only if you park at this garage will you receive the discount. Please bring your parking ticket with you to the event. Parking staff will sell discounted parking passes from 5:30-7:15 p.m. Only debit and credit cards are accepted. There will not be PTS staff at the garage.
All talk attendees are required to have a ticket to attend the talk. Check-in is available at 5:30 p.m. or no later than 6:50 p.m. in the hallway outside Multipurpose Room 207. Please bring your Eventbrite ticket (printed or email) to check-in. We ask that everyone is seated by 6:50 p.m. or you may lose your seat. We expect the talk and its Q & A session will end by 8:15 p.m. though ending times may vary depending on the speaker.
Cool Activities
Explore the evening’s topic through hands-on activities and information from 5:30 – 6:40 p.m. Closer to the event date, we will share a list of organizations participating in Cool Activities.
About Hot Science – Cool Talks
Hot Science – Cool Talks provides a front row seat to world-class research. Presented by the Environmental Science Institute (ESI) this nationally recognized series allows leading researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and other prominent universities to share their passion about science, technology, engineering and math with the general public. Events are held six times a year. For those who cannot attend in person, ESI streams the webcasts live online, and educators and others can host viewing events at their schools or watch at home.