We are having our summer green drinks in the Lift (back room) at the Shoal Creek Saloon. (http://www.shoalcreeksaloon.com)
Friday, May 13 · 5:30pm - 7:00pm
GUIDED DISCUSSION: Would you like to lead a 15-20 minute discussion?
We always like to have a guided discussion for each event. If you know someone who would be interested in leading a talk on a green topic please let me know. Past topics included Austin’s Green Energy Development, Social Networking, and Pollution Prevention.
ABOUT GREEN DRINKS: A networking event for the environmental field
Austin Green Drink Happy Hours are an informal event that happens periodically in various venues throughout Austin. They are open to those of us who work in the environmental field and/or who routinely find innovative ways to meet thec hallenges of a sustainable future. We get Architects, Activists, Permit Writers, Consultants, Industrialists, Artists, Biking Groups and lots of others that have an interest in the environmental field.
Gatherings range from 10-50. If you are interested in sponsoring an event please let us know by contacting admin at zerowastenetwork.org
To sign up for the list please visit: http://lists.preventpollution.org/mailman/listinfo/lists.preventpollution.org_greendrinks
Thomas Vinson
Sr. Program Coordinator
Zero Waste Network