Saturday, October 14th at 10am – Pat McNeal of McNeal Grower’s presents “Unique Groundcovers”.
Pat will cover new and unique ground covers like perennials, grasses and grass like plants that are resources efficient alternatives to typical species used as ground covers. We will also discuss the novel uses of common ground covers. A good part of the session will present practical care and maintenance of these planting so that they reach their potential for resource conservation.
Over the last 30 years Pat has operated a wholesale growing operation. In those 30 years, he introduced many new plant species that were collected traveling all over Texas, Northern Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Much of his business is custom growing specific hard to find plants and growing plants for uses other than normal Landscapes. Some of the other uses would be various types of ecological restoration and much of that is for wetland and stream bank applications. He focuses on perennials, ground covers, grasses and grass like plants in smaller more economical pots sizes for large scale planting.