Tuesday, January 16th at 10am – TWO GREAT CLASSES IN ONE “Seeds! Saving and Starting” Since before we had commercial seed companies, home gardeners and farmers have been saving seeds and doing their own plant breeding, developing cultivars that were well-suited to their own palates, as well as the microclimates in their own gardens. To complete the cycle, they knew how to start those seeds the next season. Come learn how to save and then start your own vegetable seeds to save money, preserve genetic diversity, and ensure you’ll never be without that favorite vegetable variety. Linda will teach us the tricks to saving and starting seeds successfully, so we can have the freedom of planting what we want when we want, and the security of always being in control our own food supply. Linda Wall is the AustinGardenConsultant.com, a horticulturist at The Natural Gardener, blogger at TheRedneckHippie.com, and has grown vegetables for over 30 years on her family farm in Spicewood.