Saturday, June 3rd at 10am – Tara Chapman of Two Hives Honey- presents “Pollinator Introverts: Texas Solitary Bees.”
Did you know that honey bees aren’t native to the United States? And that hundreds of species of solitary bees call Texas home? These bees don’t live in colonies like honey bees and don’t produce honey, but they are well suited to our climate, are incredibly docile, and really fun to watch!
Come learn the differences between these native bees and honey bees, why solitary bees, such as leafcutter and mason bees, are so important, and how to create your own solitary bee habitat! She will also discuss how to make your outdoor space-be it a garden, yard, or even balcony-friendlier to all of our pollinators!
Tara’s fascination with bees began with a science unit on the workings of a colony in 8th grade in a rural West Texas town. After taking a beekeeping class she and a friend built their first hives, which has since evolved into a socially conscious business dedicated to decentralizing our bee population, inspiring and helping others become beekeepers, and educating our community on the importance of native bees.