Saturday, September 15th at 10 am – Kimberly Lanski and JP Gremillion, owners of Buddha’s Brew presents “Homebrew Kombucha”.
They will discuss the basic process and all equipment needed for the home producer. Kombuchas first recorded use was in China in 200 BC called the “Drink of Immortality”. Many species of beneficial bacteria and fungi along with helpful gut enzymes, actually created by the organisms, greatly increase digestive health.
Scientists have learned so much about the benefits of probiotics over the last few years. Let us help you with the ancient tradition of fermenting kombucha and grow your own probiotics! And the best part is Kimberley and JP will bring different flavors of Buddhas Brew to sample! Buddha’s Brew has been brewing kombucha in Austin for over 10 years. They are a fast growing local company that is very good at what they do!