Saturday, September 2nd at 10 am – Gardener Skatecurb presents “Double Digging 101.”
Double digging is a method of preparing a garden bed so that it has superior soil structure that allows for more nutrient availability and improvement to the soil’s water-holding capacity. This method has been popularized all over the world by John Jeavons, author of How to Grow More Vegetables and taught, in it’s 50th year, at the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food System at UC Santa Cruz. With an initial investment of labor before a growing season, a deep, compacted soil can be turned into a garden where carrots and other deep-rooted vegetables prosper. Come out and learn from #aggroecology pioneer Gardener Skatecurb as he demonstrates this technique in our vegetable garden. Get your garden to flourish without the use of gas-powered machinery.
Howdy Kat business owner Tom Grzinich aka Gardener Skatecurb has earned a certificate in Agroecology from The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at the University of California at Santa Cruz, teaches ‘Introduction to Food Gardening’ classes with The Sustainable Food Center and has volunteered with ‘The Green Classroom’ project.