Saturday, May 26th at 10am – Michelle Hernandez
Founder of the Funky Chicken Coop Tour and President of Urban Poultry Association of Texas, presents “Backyard Chickens 101.” You can RSVP here.
Come hear Michelle talk all about raising chickens! Chickens not only provide tasty, nutritious eggs, but they are also great pets: interesting, communicative, smart in their own way, and very humorous. This class is part of the Austin Resource Recovery Chicken Keeping rebate program. The Chicken Keeping Rebate Program supports Austin’s Zero Waste goal by educating residents about how to keep food scraps, yard trimmings and food-soiled paper out of the landfill.
Most Austinites* can earn a $75 rebate on a chicken coop through the City of Austin’s Home Composting Rebate Program. To qualify, attend a free chicken keeping class, then apply!
*Must pay the Clean Community Fee on monthly utility bill.