Saturday, June 9th at 10am – Les Crowder presents “Ant, bee, and wasp social structure” Are honeybees an invasive species? Do not miss this highly educational class on covering Ant, Bee and Wasp behavior. There are solitary, semi-social, and completely social creatures and humans can learn about the role of competition and cooperation from watching these creatures live. Then we will explore whether honeybees from Europe, Asia and Africa compete with hummingbirds and native pollinators.
Les Crowder has been a passionate advocate of learning about and living with nature’s creatures rather than fighting nature. He observed insects as a child and has always been especially interested in social insects that communicate with each other and make decisions as a group. Les has worked in agriculture as a farm worker in conventional industry and as an organic farmer and beekeeper. He got a degree in Biology and Spanish from the University of New Mexico. Chelsea Green published his book, “Top-Bar Beekeeping” in 2012. He often repeats that “The only way we are going to rise is if we all rise together!”