The Encuentro is an ongoing bilingual series open to the public at SFC’s office.
Sustainable Food Center
2921 E. 17th St., Bldg. C
Austin, TX 78702
Encuentro Highlights:
• Get involved with your local food justice community.
• Learn about local issues that affect food justice.
• Share information about upcoming events.
• Identify collaborative opportunities with others.
• Guest Speaker: Marisa Perales, Environmental Attorney with Frederick Perales Allmon & Rockwell
Marisa Perales is a partner at the law firm of Frederick, Perales, Allmon & Rockwell, an environmental law firm that represents individuals, non-profits, and local governments and advocates against polluters and in favor of the public’s interest. Ms. Perales has been practicing law for about 20 years, and has focused on environmental law for about 14 years. She also is on the board of directors for the Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund, is a member of Communities of Color United, was a founding member of the Undoing Racism Austin coalition, and serves as the Chair of the City of Austin’s Environmental Commission.
Marisa will share her analysis of CodeNEXT, the first major rewrite of Austin’s land development code in 30 years. She will discuss how CodeNEXT has the potential to impact historically marginalized communities in Austin, and will include calls to action. After her talk, we will discuss how CodeNEXT affects our food justice efforts.