The City of Austin will host two town hall meetings later this month for the purpose of gathering community input on the mission and vision of the City’s new Equity Office.
The meeting details are as follows:
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Asian American Resource Center
8401 Cameron Road
Child care, in addition to light snacks and refreshments will be provided at both meetings.
These town hall meetings will be the first of many opportunities for citizens to offer their feedback on what they envision for the Equity Office, an effort aimed at enhancing the City’s commitment to equity in the programs and services it provides to Austin residents.
Those unable to attend either meeting, can still provide their input by emailing, by calling 3-1-1, or in person by submitting written suggestions to the Equity Office comment Box located in the 3rd floor lobby of City Hall. Information gathered will be compiled and outlined in a comprehensive report that will be presented to the City in the coming months.