The Travis County AgriLife Extension Service will be hosting its annual Demonstration Garden Open House and Plant Sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on October 20, 2018.
Daphne Richards, Travis County Extension Horticulturist, will be on hand to answer your gardening questions and Travis County Master Gardener Specialists will host informal discussions on a variety of topics, such as, rainwater harvesting, composting, herbs, vegetables, native and adapted plants and roses.
Additionally, the Travis County Master Gardener Association will be holding a Plant Sale featuring pollinator-friendly perennials, such as Duranta, mistflower and Mexican mint marigold. All the plants have been propagated by Travis County Master Gardeners.
The Demonstration Garden is full of plants that fill many different needs, including drought tolerance, brilliant color, plants for full sun or shade and plants of varying heights. There are ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, perennial and annual flowers, roses, vines, herbs, groundcovers and vegetables, all watered by a drip irrigation system and harvested rainwater. The best organic and traditional gardening and landscaping principles are combined to create an effective and environmentally responsible garden which encourages water conservation, reduced fertilizer and pesticide use, energy conservation and reduction of waste in landfills.
The Demonstration Garden is located in front of the Travis County AgriLife Extension Service offices at 1600B Smith Road, Austin, 78721. The garden was designed and is maintained by the volunteer efforts of the Travis County Master Gardeners. It serves as a test area for plants, including a newly planted rose garden, and as a demonstration tool for the citizens of Travis County.
For more information contact Daphne Richards at or 512.854.9600.