Austin’s current land use code is rooted in its history of racism and inequity. The City is currently re-writing the code through the process they’ve called CodeNEXT. That re-write will impact every person in Austin: our homes, businesses, roads, taxes, parking, and our environment. Rather than ignore our history, Austin’s next Land Development Code must be informed by honest dialogue.
Hear from community leaders whose neighborhoods have been torn apart by Austin’s development policies and ravaged by flooding. Join us to plan how to protect our people and our environment, and elevate our community’s needs above those of developers and politicians.
Participating organizations will be tabling and distributing literature. Small breakout sessions will allow for robust discussions. We’ll end the day with opportunities to organize with your neighbors and take immediate action. Come learn about CodeNEXT and grow efforts to improve Austin’s land use policies.
Schedule of events:
2pm – 2:30pm – Welcome and introduction
2:30pm – 3:15pm – Breakout session on the Environment
3:15pm – 4:00pm – Breakout session on Economic Development
4pm – 4:45pm – Breakout session on Neighborhoods
4:45pm – 5pm – Closing remarks
5pm – 6pm – Food and respite – an unstructured opportunity to organize with fellow participants
* The event will be held in the cafeteria of Southwest Key Programs *
Participating organizations (so far) include:
Austin Neighborhoods Council
Clean Water Action
Communities of Color United
Community Not Commodity
La Raza Roundtable
PODER – People Organized in Defense of Earth and her Resources
Save Our Springs Alliance
Sierra Club – Austin Regional Group
Standing Up for Racial Justice Austin
Workers Defense Project
Contact the organizers if you’d like to add your group!
***Childcare and translation services will be available free of charge. Please help us plan, by letting us know now if you need either service. Post here or request a ticket on Eventbrite.***