One event on January 22, 2025 at 9:30 am
One event on October 15, 2017 at 9:30 am
One event on November 5, 2017 at 9:30 am
One event on December 3, 2017 at 9:30 am
The WildEarth Climate Action Team offers these four free classes for the fall months as part of its Climate Education series. We will look at the most promising and effective pathways toward a viable climate for planet Earth. The level of greenhouse gases is already above what Earth can withstand without long-term damage to life support functions, yet a combination of quantified and feasible approaches, based on “Project Drawdown” (see here) and other sources, can add up to healing our Earth. We conclude with a class on positive climate change communication. Expect videos or slides, handouts, and ample discussion time.
Classes be held on 3rd Sundays for September and October, then on 1st Sundays for November and December, to avoid collisions with Thanksgiving and Christmas. Discussion after class can continue in a another classroom or outdoors. The class subjects are:
Sunday Sept. 17 –Introduction and a look at managing refrigerants as a surprising top solution.
Sunday October 15 –Forestry and agriculture as massive potential carbon sinks.
Sunday November 5 –Food, and the well-being of women and girls, as powerfully connected to climate.
Sunday December 3 –Best communication practices about these hopeful scenarios.