An introduction to Backyard Beekeeping that focuses on honeybees, equipment, costs, rules and regulations, and basic management technics for the novice beekeeper. This beginner beekeeping course will give you all the basic information needed to get you familiar with honeybees, and what it takes to get started in beekeeping.
Class section highlights:
John Swan is the owner of Wicked Bee Apiary where he manages as many as 30 to 50 honeybee hives, depending on the season and the year. Through his Apiary, John provides training and consultations, as well as hive management services, for other beekeepers; teaches beekeeping classes; and facilitates presentations for school age youths on the wonders of the honey bee.
John is also the owner of Wicked Bee Removal Service, which was created to help save honeybees from unnecessary extermination by providing live removal and relocation services when bees setup a colony in an undesirable location. Each year John saves over 50 feral honeybee colonies, on average, from extermination! John is currently serving his second term as the President of the Travis County Beekeeper’s Association and an Advanced member of the Texas Master Beekeeper’s program. When he isn’t playing with his bees, or rescuing other bees, John is talking about bees and helping educate people about their importance.