We are gathering to demand that city council adopts these ideas and takes strong action to act on climate and make Austin CARBON FREE BY 2030!
—-Retire Fayette Coal Plant in 2022
—-Retire Decker Gas Plant in 2020
—-75% Renewable by 2027
9am orientation in lobby
9:25am walk into meeting
9:30am-noon Committee Meeting
WEAR GREEN & BRING SIGNS and/or posterboard to make signs there!
Climate change impacts (like people being displaced from their homes due to flooding), air pollution and people struggling to pay their bills are serious problems in our community. The update to the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan (Austin’s long-range energy plan) is an opportunity to address all of these issues. We support a clean, just and affordable energy future. To ensure Austin is a leader on climate justice, we urge you to adopt a plan that prioritizes the retirement of the Fayette coal plant in 2022 and Decker gas plant in 2020, and expands renewable energy, local solar, energy efficiency and energy storage goals to put the utility on a path to be 100% carbon-free by 2030. The plan should also make local solar more accessible to low-income residents and renters to improve equity and provide much needed bill relief.