The Austin Civic Solutions Showcase & Expo will feature solutions providers–vendors, startups, researchers, and more–that will present and demonstrate their solutions to achieve outcomes presented at the Civic Solutions Reverse Pitch Event and/or the strategic plans of civic service organization & government agencies (e.g., the Austin Strategic Direction 2023 report for the City of Austin).
At the Austin Civic Solutions Reverse Pitch Events government entities and civic organizations serving Austin shared their top issues and desired outcomes so that solution providers—vendors, researchers, civic action groups, etc.—could learn how to develop and tailor effective solutions to achieve these specific outcomes. The Civic Solutions Reverse Pitch Event Series featured presenters from the City of Austin, Travis County, Downtown Austin Alliance, Austin Chamber of Commerce, the Housing Authority for the City of Austin, Central Health, Capital Metro, Austin Energy, and more. The Reverse Pitch Event Series was about understanding Austin civic issues and desired outcomes. The Austin Civic Solutions Showcase & Expo is a follow up event on November 12, 2019 where solution providers will present, discuss, and demonstrate potential solutions to the top civic issues and priorities in Austin.
Civic Solutions Showcase presentations | 9:00am – 4:00pm
Civic Solutions Expo & Networking | 4:00pm – 6:00pm
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