An ATXEJ (Austin Environmental Justice) showcasing of short films pertaining to a variety of global environmental issues that have serious impact on our local scape. These films highlight pollution from coal fired power plants and the Trans-Pecos Pipeline in West Texas, their environmental impact, and actions local organizations are currently taking to influence local government and move into a more sustainable future.
Following these informative and empowering shorts, a diverse panel of involved community members and leaders will guide a discussion and Q&A session to help facilitate more direct involvement. Tickets can be purchased here.
The Air We Breathe (Matthew Gossage)
Breath Is Lyfe (Cherelle Blazer)
Native Texans United March Against Dos Republicas Coal Mine (V&M Productions)
Texas Stands With Standing Rock (V&M Productions) – 3:37 minutes
West Texas Action & Danza at Trans-Pecos Pipeline (V&M Productions) – 4:26 minutes
#TxWaterProtectors Shut Down Trans-Pecos Pipeline in Alpine (V&M Productions) – 4:01 minutes