Announcing the premier urban poultry event of 2016! The purpose of this tour is to encourage city residents to raise poultry at home by demonstrating the many ways that chicken (and other poultry) housing can be incorporated into urban residence without violating city ordinances or creating a nuisance. Get tickets here.
Our theme this year is Chickens as Zero Waste Heroes. Participants will tour chicken coops located at homes around Austin to catch a rare firsthand look at the many innovative ways Austin’s chicken and other poultry keepers are tapping into backyard birds’ potential to transform household waste into valuable compost for lawn and garden. Learn how these delightful animals can help minimize the amount of waste our city sends to the landfill. Get inspired to create or enhance your own coop!
The tour will take place Saturday, March 26, the day before Easter. Coops are open for ticket holders from 10:00am-4:00pm. Buy advanced tour tickets online or in person from select Tour Sponsors: Callahan’s General Store, Buck Moore Feed and Pet Supply and Wheatsville Co-op. Admission to the tour is $10 per person. Children 12 and under are free. Attendees who purchase advance tickets online will be entered on Tour Day to win a deluxe coop, courtesy of Happy Hen Treats. Visit Tour website for additional ticket locations, announcements, volunteer signups, and poultry-related news.
About the tour:
The Funky Chicken Coop Tour (FCCT) is an annual self-guided event held the Saturday of Easter weekend in Austin, Texas. It encourages city residents to raise backyard poultry by demonstrating the many ways poultry housing can be successfully incorporated into an urban residence. FCCT is an event of the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit Urban Poultry Association of Texas, Inc. UPAT is also the parent organization for the Austin and Central Texas Backyard Poultry Meetup.