Our November meeting will mark 350 Austin’s one year anniversary in two important ways. First, former Steering Committee member Derrick Crowe will be sharing current scientific data as a way to remind us of why 350 Austin was founded one year ago.
Known in the local and national press as the “science nerd” hoping to unseat Lamar Smith in 2018, Derrick is a long-time student of climate change science and will be speaking to us in that capacity. Although not legally permitted to endorse Derrick, we at 350 Austin can proudly share the news that Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, has personally endorsed Derrick. (https://medium.com/@electcrowe/bill-mckibben-endorses-derrick-crowe-for-congress-d4f48e13f913)
After being sobered by Derrick’s presentation, we will shake off the blues by celebrating our one year anniversary with music, drink and good food from Scholz Garten – our ever-supportive hosts!