At the final event, the [Re]Verse Pitch finalists will pitch and compete for the Innovation Prize. Join us to find out who will be receiving Innovation Prizes to start a new social enterprise!
This event is free and open to the public, but your RSVP is requested.
What is the [Re]Verse Pitch Competition?
Entrepreneurs are used to pitching their business idea to investors, partners, and anyone they might share an elevator ride with. In this competition, the tables turn.
The [Re]Verse Pitch Competition helps turn valuable raw materials that are currently leaving local businesses, non-profits, and institutions as waste into the raw materials for new or expanding social enterprises. Learn more here.
The Finalists who will be pitching in this event will be announced on April 13th.
Thank You to Our Event Partners
City of Austin Government / Austin Recycles
US Business Council for Sustainable Development
McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin
Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab
Thank You to Our Event Sponsor
Vela Wood