Conserving Land in the Hill Country

Conserving Land in the Hill Country

Hill Country Conservancy

What's Inside...


Sponsored Post – from NATiVE

At NATiVE, our mission is to lead the way to a sustainable future. We are building green homes to last generations, and we want our environment to last at least that long. We’re acutely aware of the rapid growth and diminishing resources in the Hill Country. Preserving natural lands and the rural heritage is an incumbent responsibility of all of us that directly affect it. For each home that we build, NATiVE makes a donation to the Hill Country Conservancy and purchases a HCC membership for the homeowner. This partnership is incredibly valuable to NATiVE as we not only create beautiful, energy efficient homes but we are stewards of our surrounding environment. Thank you Hill Country Conservancy for all the hard work you do, we are here forever with you.

conserving land

Conserving land in the Hill Country is not a simple feat – it requires long-term involvement from many individuals and organizations who want to see these lands preserved as open space in perpetuity. Through their ongoing partnership with HCC and their donation program, Native has proven their commitment to the community and to protecting water, wildlife habitat and the natural beauty and heritage of central Texas area. We are fortunate to have them as a partner.
George Cofer

Continue reading about the Hill Country Conservancy here: Conserving Land in the Hill Country

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