Columbus Day Is Out. Indigenous Peoples’ Day Is In.

Columbus Day Is Out. Indigenous Peoples’ Day Is In.

Indigenous Peoples Day

 Monday, October 9th is Austin’s first ever official Indigenous Peoples’ Day. After City Council approved a resolution at their meeting on Thursday, Austin joins several other cities that have replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day, “in an effort to create a path of healing and reconciliation.”

According to the resolution passed by City Council, October 12th, 1492 marks “the beginning of the colonization of indigenous people that forever changed their identity, cultures, and achievements.” The resolution also encourage schools, businesses, and organizations to recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day and teach the history of indigenous peoples in the United States. 

To celebrate Austin’s first ever Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the Sierra Club’s Austin Environmental Justice Team (ATXEJ), PODER, La Raza Roundtable, Indigenous Women’s Network, Alma de Mujer, Resistencia Bookstore, and Equilibrio Norte are hosting a celebration on Monday, October 9th from 6pm to 9pm at 4926 East Cesar Chavez. There will be food, music, poetry, and performancesMore info>>

Indegenous People's Day

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