Claim Your Power At The Changemaker’s Cafe

Claim Your Power At The Changemaker’s Cafe

All In Favor Vote Socks

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by learning how to get involved and make a difference in your local community? That’s why the Austin EcoNetwork is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting the Changemaker’s Cafe at this year’s Earth Day ATX festival.


Located in the Davage-Durden Student Union (just off Chicon Street) on Huston-Tillotson’s Campus, the Changemaker’s Cafe will feature a book sale, voter registration booth, opportunities to grab coffee with local elected officials, and advice on the best ways to write a letter to your City Council person.


Plus, we’ll also be hosting a series of special (and free) ticketed events at this year’s Changemaker’s Cafe, including:


1. Claim Your Power: Getting Involved In Local Activism – An activist meet-and-greet that allows you to connect with some of our city’s leading environmental and social justice activists


Claim Your Power


2. Civics 101: A Beginner’s Guide To Local Government – Take the first steps to getting involved in local government with this speedy, fun, and interactive crash course. AEN Editor-In-Chief Amy Stansbury will walk you through all the basics, from who the mayor is to which City Council district you live in.


A Beginner's Guide To Local Government


3. It’s Your Future: Getting Connected With Local Environmental Leaders – An environmental mentorship fair, perfect for college students looking for career advice or community members looking for a career change.


It's Your Future


You can find the Changemaker’s Cafe on the Earth Day ATX map here. 
We’ll see you on April 29th!



Earth Day ATX Map 2018

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