Calling all musicians!

Calling all musicians!

Earth Day Musician

Sponsored Post – from Earth Day ATX


Calling all musicians! Earth Day ATX is looking for local singer-songwriter solo and duo artists (of all genres) to perform during the festival. Each selected artists will be paid $50 for a 20 minute set. To submit your act for consideration, please email


This year’s Earth Day ATX will be held on Saturday, April 21st at Huston-Tillotson University. As the largest sustainability event in Central Texas, Earth Day ATX is an opportunity for people to learn about conservation and sustainable solutions, celebrate a love for the environment, and get connected to the best and most innovative green businesses and organizations out there.


This year’s festival theme is “Reclaiming Power.”Programming and activities will focus around power – local power, human power, sustainable power, and many more! A sneak peak of the features and activities includes three outdoor stages featuring local musicians and activists, a mayoral panel, bike activities, food trucks, music and dancing, a climbing wall, a Town Hall meeting, curated environmental video showcases, and workout classes. More info>>


Looking for additional ways to participate in Earth Day ATX? Registration is now open for Earth Day exhibitors and volunteers. Organizations and businesses that register to exhibit early will be given better booth placement and a free ticket to Earth Day ATX’s “No Boring Booths” event, which will be held the first Wednesday in April.


You can sign up to be an exhibitor here>>

And you can sign up to be a volunteer here>>

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