Calendar Highlights Jan. 22 – Jan. 29: Town Hall, Smog Hearing, and an EPIC Happy Hour


[Volunteer] Thursday, Jan. 22nd from 5:30pm to 6:30pm the Colorado River Alliance is having an open house for prospectivespring volunteers. They need people like you to help run their kids science and education program, participate in gardening days, or even become an intern/office assistant. The open house will be held at the LCRA Redbud Center on Lake Austin Boulevard. More info>>

City Council is holding a special town hall meeting tonight.[Council Meeting]Thursday, Jan. 22nd at5:30pm

city council is holding aspecial town hall meetingto solicit public feedbackabout their new public engagement proposal. The proposal includes a change to more frequent and shorter city council meetings and the creation of six additional council committees. You can learn more about council's plans to make city government more accessible to the public here>>

You are invited to share your thoughts on the proposal at the town hall meeting. You can alsowatch online or listen on KAZI 88.7 radio. Council will vote on the proposal at their Jan. 29th meeting.More info>>

Hike the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve on Friday morning.[Birding] Hike the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve on Friday, Jan. 23rd from 8am to 11am. The trip will be led by Jim O'Donnell, wildlife biologist with the preserve, and will allow birders to explore lands not usually accessible to the public. The hikes are free, but space is limited, so please register in advance. More info>>

The US Composting Council is hosting a workshop for restaurants wanting to implement an organics diversion program on Friday.


[Workshop] Friday, Jan. 23rd from 8:30am to 12:30pm the US Composting Council is hosting a workshop for restaurants, hotels, and grocery stores at the Renaissance Hotel. The workshop will provide step-by-step instructions onhow to implement a successful organics diversion program and how to meet Austin's Organics Diversion Ordinance requirements. More info>>

Join the Hill Country Conservancy at the Waller Ballroom this Friday.[Happy Hour] Friday, Jan. 23rd from 5pm to 9pmthe Hill Country Conservancyis hosting its 2015 Winter Happy Hour at the Waller Ballroom. The happy hour is for the conservancy'sEmerging Professionals In Conservation (EPIC)group and is free and open to the public. There will be beer from Austin Beerworks and snacks from Zocalo Cafe and Galaxy Cafe. More info>>

Check out the Chicon Collective speaker series this Friday.

[Speaker Series] Friday, Jan. 23rd from 6:30pm to 9:30pm the Chicon Collective is hosting a speaker event onenvironmental sustainability. Professor Dumpster and Compost Pedallers will be featured, along with several other eco-innovators. More info>>

The Wildflower Center is hosting a Tree Talk Winter Walk event this Saturday.[Tree Talk] Saturday, Jan. 24th from 9am to 5pm theWildflower Center is having an admission-free day in honor of Texas trees. There will be guided walks and talks by experts, a kids tree climb, marshmallow roast and bonfire, and a scavenger huntMore info>> 

Join Design~Build~Live for a site visit to see magnesium oxide in action.[Green Design] Saturday, Jan. 24th from 10am to 

1pm Design~Build~Live is hosting a site visit to two construction projectsfeaturing the use ofmagnesium oxide. Visitors will learn how magnesium oxide can be incorporated into building projects to reduce mold, fire, and water, as well as to provide for superior indoor air quality. Anyone interested in attending should bring a $5 donation and meet at the Radiance Intentional Community in southwest Austin. More info>>

The next AZWA meeting is Wednesday at the Terrazas Library.[Zero Waste Meeting]Wednesday, Jan. 28thfrom

7pm to 8:30pm the Austin Zero Waste Alliance (AZWA) is having its monthly meeting at theTerrazas Library. They'll be discussing upcoming policies regarding construction & demolition wastediversion and tightening the rules requiring local businesses to recycle. Bring your talents, perspectives, time and energy to help Austin achieve its zero waste goals! More info>>

The Texas Drought Summit is next Thursday.[Drought Summit]Thursday, Jan. 29th from8am to 5pm at the Airport Hilton in San Antonio theTexas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association is hosting aDrought Summit. The goal of the day-long event is to provide a space for sharing experiences and lessons learned from the Texas drought and to connect producers with disaster-assistant services. The summit is free for all Texas farmers. More info>>


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