Black History Month Bus Tour

Black History Month Bus Tour

Black History Tour

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This post is sponsored by our community partner, CapMetro, Austin's regional public transportation provider.

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This post is sponsored by CapMetro. All Austin Common sponsors are screened by The Austin Common team to ensure they’re doing good for their employees, our community, and the planet.


In honor of Black History Month and Rosa Parks’ birthday (which was February 4th), The Austin Common teamed up with CapMetro and Javier Wallace (of Black Austin Tours) to go on a Black History Tour of Austin.


The tour highlighted the many Austinites who fought to end racial segregation on our city’s transit systems, including Myrtle Washington, Howellen Bunton Taylor, and Arthur DeWitty. You can learn more about them by watching the short video below. 


PS – If the video below doesn’t load, you can watch the video on YouTube here

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