26 Mar Beyond World Water Day – What’s your WaterIQ?
Have you ever wondered how much water it takes to produce the food you eat each day? Even though we drink about one half gallon of water per day, it takes far more water to sustain our way of life. Here’s a brief glance at our typical water footprint. It takes:
– 36 gallons of water to produce one egg;
– 68 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of fruit or vegetables;
– 55 gallons of water to produce one glass of milk;
– 3,400 gallons of water to produce one half pound of beef; and
– 132 gallons of water to eat a standard breakfast of one egg, a glass of milk, 4 ounces of fruit and 2 slices of bread with butter – that’s enough water to take a five-minute shower each day for nearly one week. (Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization).
Last week, the United Nations launched a worldwide campaign to save water with its World Water Day: a day for us to gauge how we can minimize our water footprint to maximize resources for all. The global theme for 2012 is: “Water security is food security – the world is thirsty because we are hungry.” Although we've tightened our belts to minimize our water use because Austin has been under Stage 2 water restrictions since August 24, 2009, we can always do more to conserve.
With the latest Water IQ radio and TV promotions sponsored by the City of Austin and LCRA, we’re regularly reminded about how easy it is to waste water and how beneficial it is to minimize water usage. We’re also given excellent resources to help educate, facilitate and accelerate our ability to make a difference in our daily use of water. Check out the following Water IQ links:
– What Can I do? How to save water where you live.
– Mythbusters: The difference between myths and reality.
– Water IQ Quiz: Are you a Water Genius?
Give us your feedback. Knowing that it takes 634 gallons of water to produce one hamburger, 45 gallons of water to produce one glass of orange juice and 32 gallons of water to produce one glass of wine, will you be more choosy about what you eat and drink?
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